Fashion Is As Fashion Does

quarter.jpgJeffrey got a haircut today at Joseph’s Coiffures, the barbershop in our neighborhood.  The people who work there know him well and are always sure to make him feel special.  They let him push the button on the singing, dancing statue of Dean Martin while he’s there, and let him use a little broom to help sweep up the sheared hair.  Most importantly, they always say what a handsome gentleman he’s turning in to.

Tonight, Jeff spent time combing his short hair and smiling to himself.

“Mommy,” he said shyly.  “Do you think I look like George Washington yet?”

Ah.  George Washington: Founding Father, First President, and Hairstyle Role-Model.

When I explained to Jeffrey that George Washington wore a wig, he was greatly intrigued.

“Where can I get a white wig like that?” he kept asking.

Oh, yes.  You can just see it now: all the little kids running around the playground, and mine is the one in the powdered wig.